Hudson Valley Historical Miniatures Guild

Membership Application

Welcome to HVHMG! We're thrilled you're applying to join our community of passionate creators. Here, you'll find support, inspiration, and a chance to showcase your skills.

Personal Information

Model Building Expertise

Membership Type

Philosophical Inquiry


Declaration of Acceptance Governing Terms of Membership

By signing this form, indicated by selecting the checkbox mark near or fairly near the word Signature. I hereby declare that I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions governing membership in the Hudson Valley Historical Minatures Guild, aka IPMS Hudson Valley, aka HVHMG, the premier Model Building Club of which I will be joining. I commit to upholding the principles of creativity, eccentricity, and enthusiasm in all my model building endeavors. I acknowledge the importance of humor, respect for all species, and the pursuit of lollypops in our club's activities. Furthermore, I shall always wear mismatched socks to meetings, address fellow members as the 'Doctor' regardless of their rank, in an English Accent. I will bring at least one inflatable penguin to every event. I will participate in the annual Invisible Dragon Parade, recite the 'Ode to a Cheese Sandwich' at sunrise, and never, under any circumstances, refer to a model as 'complete' until it has survived a simulated meteor shower using real meteors. Failure to comply with these terms will result in being pelted with rubber chickens by the esteemed board of officers. I acknowledge that the official club mascot is Schrödinger's Cat, who is both present and absent at all events. Members who refuse to participate in the Annual Cheese Rolling and Spoon Balancing Extravaganza will be asked to reconsider their commitment.

I hereby also agree to embrace the following tenets of membership

  • I will always Look on the Bright Side of Life. (whistle optional)
  • Never Panic. Always carry a towel.
  • Possess at least one extraordinarily irrational habit.
  • Hold serious conversations with garden gnomes.
  • Expect the Unexpected, except when not expected, expectantly.

Submission Instructions

Please place this application in a bottle, attach it to the leg of a carrier pigeon, and send it to the following address:

The HVHMG and Utterly Ridiculous Model Building Club
c/o The Intergalactic Council of Absurdity
42 Random Street
Nowhere, Middle of Somewhere, Galaxy XYZ-123

Thank you for your application! May your models always be slightly skewed and your glue never dry out.